Newspaper Blondie
PLAYS BIG" type stand up Mentalism effects are hard to come by. Combining two OLD* and CLASSIC
effects together India's well known mentalist Mr. Pradip Rao has created a
brand new presentation piece that really fulfills all the criteria of
"Packs small but plays big" type of effect.
Here is the Effect(s):
Okay, this is how I remember it exactly:
The performer displayed a clipping of a long newspaper column.
With his other hand he took a pair of scissors and ran the blades slowly down
the column. A fellow spectator was instructed to call out STOP at any line. The
performer cut the newspaper at the exact line indicated. The cut piece
fluttered to the floor. I was then asked to pick up the fallen piece and read
aloud the top line. It said “…was no need for anymore fear…”.
Drawing attention to an envelope that had been in full view all
along, another spectator was asked to open it and show everybody a prediction
contained within.
The prediction read, in large bold letters: IT’S OKAY. DON’T BE
It took us but an instant to realise, to our immense surprise;
that the performer had correctly predicted from the newspaper, the exact line
that we had freely chosen a moment ago.
But wait, there was more.
The performer asked me to once again read the top line and then
look at the entire first paragraph. Reminding us that this para was the exact
spot which we had freely chosen to stop at, I was now asked to look and
remember any word from this paragraph.
The performer then proceeded to read my mind! This must be your
first time, the performer said, because the letters are coming to me all jumbled
up. But then one by one, the performer started to call out letters. He asked me
to confirm by saying Yes each time he got a letter right and to cross them out
with a pen. And when he reached the last letter, to shout out ‘Right’. He got
all of them correct, and then he revealed the exact word I was thinking of.
Impressive indeed!
We supply you
with 30 specially printed newspaper columns. You use one per performance, so
you have enough material for 30 shows.
You will also
need the following items (use your own):
A pair of scissors to
move slowly down the column and cut at selected point / line
An envelope and sheet
of paper for the top line prediction
A pen for the
spectator to cross out letters as they are called out
A large writing pad (optional).
If you wish, have the spectator write down the word (with the correct spelling)
on this pad, so that other spectators can see the letters being crossed out as
you call them.